apartment for sale, 1 rooms - Aardla 4-8, Ropka, Tartu linn, Tartu, Tartumaa

Valgusrikas kodu Karlova piiril

Apartment ownership, wooden house

Kitchen: electric stove, open kitchen, refridgerator, kitchen furniture
Sanitary arrangements: water boiler, new sewerage system, shower
Heating and ventilation: air to air heat pump, electric heating
Additional information: box-room, parking free parking, parquet, furniture, roof apartment, closed courtyard, high ceilings, new electric wiring, garret
Communications and security: frontdoor locked, neighbourhood watch
Neighbourhood: surrounding buildings private houses and apartment buildings, roads in good condition roads, neighbours at one side neighbours

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Värske kapitaalremondi läbinud korter ootab uut omanikku.
Kahekordses majas Ropka linnaosas on vabanenud väike hubane korter.
Elamine on läbinud täieliku kapitaalremondi: seintele on lisatud välisseina lisasoojustuse kiht, rajatud uus torustik, ventilatsioon ja elektrijuhtmestik, ruumides on piisavalt lüliteid-pistikuid-valgusteid, sanitaarruum on tervikuna uus.Väikeses pesuruumis on dushinurk, pott, valmu ja pesumasina valmidusega tühi masinaootel ala. Soe vesi saadakse elektriboileriga, ning sooja tagab moodne ja ökonoomne õhksoojuspump.
Kõik korterisse paigutatud sisustus jääb ostjale.
Majas tegutseb ühistu-hoone fassaad on hiljuti uuendatud. Värskelt on rajatud maja ümber uus piirdeaed.
Hoovis saab parkida ning korteri juurde kuuluvad veel puukuur ca 5 m2 ja suuremat sorti kelder.
Piirkonnal on väga hea bussiühendus kesklinnaga, kuid kuna linna keskusesse jõuab ka poole-tunnise jalutuskäiguga, siis ei pruugi ühistransport üldse huvi pakkuda. Siin on läheduses nii toidukaupuluseid kui tanklaid, samuti koole ja lasteasutusi.
Ka on siinsamas pargid tervisespordi harrastajale.
Korteri kasutusluba on menetluses linnavalitsuses.

Korter on vaba ja valmis koheseks omanikuvahetuseks.

The recently renovated apartment is waiting for a new owner.
A small, cozy apartment has become available in a two-story building in the Ropka district.
The living has undergone a complete overhaul: a layer of additional insulation of the outer wall has been added to the walls, new plumbing, ventilation and electrical wiring have been laid, the rooms have enough switches-plugs-lights, the sanitary room is completely new. The small laundry room has a shower corner, a pot, a sink and an empty waiting area for the washing machine. Hot water is provided by an electric boiler, and heat is provided by a modern and economical air source heat pump.
All furnishings placed in the apartment remain with the buyer.
The facade of the cooperative building in the building has been recently renovated. A new fence has just been built around the house.
You can park in the yard, and the apartment also includes a wood shed of approx. 5 m2 and a larger cellar.
The area has a very good bus connection to the city center, but since the city center can be reached by walking for half an hour, public transport may not be of interest at all. There are grocery stores and gas stations nearby, as well as schools and childcare facilities.
There are also parks right here for health sports enthusiasts.
The apartment's use permit is pending in the city administration.

The apartment is vacant and ready for an immediate change of ownership.

Brokers please do not disturb.

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Contact the seller
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73 000 € 3 744 €/m²
Apartment for sale
Apartment for sale www.kv.ee/en/3621525
Rooms 1
total area 19.5 m²
Floor/Number of floors 2/2
Condition renovated
ownership form apartment ownership
Cadastre no. 79510:036:0015
Part of register number 4473103
Data from realestate book
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Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%