row house box for sale, 3 bedrooms - Piibelehe tee 3-3, Assaku, Rae vald, Harjumaa

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Apartment ownership, stone house, house area 114.8 m², total area 114.8 m²

Sanitary arrangements: bath, sauna, shower, sewerage, urban water
Heating and ventilation: Air-water heat pump, heated floors
Communications and security: Internet, fenced with garden, steel door
Additional information: public transport, parking free parking, parquet, packet windows, terrace, box-room, wall ceramisite wall, roof tar paper roof
Neighbourhood: roads in good condition roads, surrounding buildings private houses, neighbours around neighbours, location in suburb location

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2024 aasta jaanipäevaks valmib Piibelehekodude ridamajade viimane etapp.

ASUKOHT: Piibelehe ridaelamud asuvad Tallinna külje all, Assaku alevikus Kaugus Tallinn- Tartu maanteest ca 500 m. Olulisemad kaugused: Ülemiste ca 5 km, koolid 1-2 km, lasteaiad ca 700 m -1 km.

KESKKOND: tegemist on väljakujunenud elukeskkonnaga, ümbruses eramud, ridaelamud, teed – tänavad asfalteeritud, tänavavalgustus, laste mänguväljak. Superhea bussiühendus Tallinnaga, kaugus peatusest 500 m.

HOONEST: Hoone ehitatakse valatud lintvundamendile. Kandvad seinad on ehitatud keramsiitplokkidest 3mpa 200 mm ja soojustatud vahtpolüstüreen-plaatidega EPS ning krohvitud dekoratiivkrohviga, lisaks on kasutatud välisviimistluses fassaadiplaati. Vahelagi ja katuslagi on raudbetoonist õõnespaneelidest, katuslae soojustus (EPS Silver +mineraalvill) 300 mm - 400 mm. Katusekatteks on kahekihiline SBS bituumenmaterjalist katusekate. Osaliselt kaetud terrassid on puittalastikul immutatud laudiskattega.

Panipaiku kokku 11,5m²!

Aknad ja rõduuksed on PVC raamidel 3x klaaspakett, U<0,9. Välisuksed on värvitud puituksed. Siseuksed on naturaalspoon uksed. Sektsioonide vahelised seinad on Columbia kivi + täiendav müratõke, saavutamaks heliisolatsiooni =>60 db. Mittekandvad vaheseinad on metallkarkassil 1+1 kipsseinad, tagamaks helipidavust ja kandevõimet.

SISEVIIMISTLUS: Seinad värvitakse heledates toonides. Märgade ruumide seinad kaetakse 60x60keraamilise plaadiga. Põrandad kaetakse tubades naturaalse puitparketiga (1 lipiline tamm, märgades ruumides ja esikus keraamilise plaadiga. Välise pääsuga panipaigas on tolmuvabaks töödeldud betoonpõrand. Kvaliteetne sanitaartehnika Ideal Standard.

ELEKTER: boksi peakaitse on 3x20A, hind sisaldab välis- ja sanitaarruumide valgustust, liitumisvalmidust sidega. Lülitid Schneider Sedna, grafiit.

PÄIKESEPANEELID: kõigil boksidel oma 5kW päikesejaam katusel, aastane kokkuhoid ca 800EUR!

KÜTE: Igal boksil on autonoomne õhk-vesi soojuspump, põrandaküte mõlemal korrusel.

VENTILATSIOON: ridamaja on varustatud autonoomse soojustagastusega sundventilatsiooniseadmetega. Boksil on olemas jahutusvalmidus.

HEAKORD: Kinnistul teostatakse haljastus, istutatakse hekid. Auto- ja jalgtee sissepääsud kaetakse sillutiskiviga. Hoovipoolseid alasid ümbritseb võrkaed, tänavpoolseid puitaed.

ENERGIAMÄRGIS: Hoonele on väljastatud A-klassi energiamärgis, mis vastab madalenergiamaja klassile.

Ridamaja müüakse korteriomandina, seatud on krundi kasutuskord. Iga boksi juurde kuulub ka 2 parkimiskohta, lisaks on parkimiskohad külalistele

Müügihind sisaldab käibemaksu, kaheaastast ehitusgarantiid ja kasutusluba.

Majad ehitas RAMM Ehituse OÜ, kellel on pikaajaline kogemus hoonete ja rajatiste projekteerimisel ning ehitamisel. Rohkem infot


See also

By Midsummer 2024, the last stage of the townhouses of Biibelehekodu will be completed.

LOCATION: Piibeleh townhouses are located next to Tallinn, in Assaku township, approx. 500 m from the Tallinn-Tartu highway. Important distances: Ülemiste approx. 5 km, schools 1-2 km, kindergartens approx. 700 m -1 km.

ENVIRONMENT: it is a well-established living environment, surrounded by private houses, terraced houses, roads - asphalted streets, street lighting, children's playground. Super good bus connection to Tallinn, distance from the stop 500 m.

ABOUT THE BUILDING: The building is built on a cast strip foundation. The load-bearing walls are built of keramsite blocks 3mpa 200 mm and insulated with EPS foam polystyrene plates and plastered with decorative plaster, in addition, facade tiles are used in the exterior finish. The suspended ceiling and the roof ceiling are made of reinforced concrete hollow panels, the roof insulation (EPS Silver + mineral wool) 300 mm - 400 mm. The roof covering is a two-layer SBS bituminous roofing material. Partially covered terraces are on wooden beams impregnated with board covering.

Total storage space 11.5m²!

Windows and balcony doors have 3x double-glazed windows on PVC frames, U<0.9. The exterior doors are painted wooden doors. The interior doors are natural veneer doors. The walls between the sections are Columbia stone + additional noise barrier to achieve sound insulation =>60 db. Non-load-bearing partitions are 1+1 gypsum walls on a metal frame to ensure sound insulation and load-bearing capacity.

INTERIOR FINISH: The walls are painted in light colors. The walls of wet rooms are covered with 60x60 ceramic tiles. The floors in the rooms are covered with natural wooden parquet (1 lipped oak, in the wet rooms and in the hall with ceramic tiles. The storage room with external access has a dust-free treated concrete floor. High-quality Ideal Standard sanitary ware.

ELECTRICITY: the main protection of the box is 3x20A, the price includes lighting of the external and sanitary rooms, readiness for connection to the communications. Switches Schneider Sedna, graphite.

SOLAR PANELS: all stalls have their own 5kW solar station on the roof, annual savings of approx. 800EUR!

HEATING: Each booth has an autonomous air-water heat pump, floor heating on both floors.

VENTILATION: the terraced house is equipped with forced ventilation devices with autonomous heat recovery. The box has cooling capacity.

GOOD ORDER: Landscaping is carried out on the property, hedges are planted. Car and pedestrian entrances will be covered with paving stones. The areas on the courtyard side are surrounded by a mesh fence, wooden fences on the street side.

ENERGY LABEL: The building has been issued with an A-class energy label, which corresponds to the low-energy house class.

The terraced house is sold as an apartment property, the use of the plot is set. Each booth also includes 2 parking spaces, and there are also parking spaces for guests

The sales price includes VAT, a two-year construction warranty and a use permit.

The houses were built by RAMM Ehituse OÜ, which has long-term experience in the design and construction of buildings and facilities. More information

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Rae Vald, Assaku
View project
322 000 € 2 805 €/m²
Sharehouse sale
Sharehouse sale
Rooms 4
Bedrooms 3
total area 114.8 m²
Number of floors 2
Built in year 2024
Condition Development
ownership form apartment ownership
Ground area 3002 m²
Cadastre no. 65301:001:5324
Energy mark A
Data from realestate book
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Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%