apartment for sale, 3 rooms - Rehelepa tn 12-7, Haabersti, Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Fixed furniture up to €20,000 included in price!

Apartment ownership, stone house

Sanitary arrangements: new sewerage system, bath
Heating and ventilation: gas heating, Air-water heat pump, combined heating
Additional information: balcony 3.4 m², box-room, underground garage, new electric wiring, lift, parquet, packet windows, separate rooms, parking free parking
Communications and security: Internet, frontdoor locked, security system
Neighbourhood: surrounding buildings apartment buildings, location in suburb location, neighbours farther neighbours, roads in good condition roads

Automatically translated Show original

ERIPAKKUMINE: kuni 20 000 euro väärtuses kohtkindlat mööblit hinnas. Pakkumine kehtib, kui sõlmid broneerimislepingu enne jaanipäeva.

Rehelepa elurajoonis leiavad ideaalse kodupaiga need, kes hindavad äärelinlikku looduslähedust ja võimalust lapsed kodusesse naabruskonda mängima saata. Asukoht metsa embuses, suurtest teedest veidi eemal tähendab, et võõrastel pole siia asja.

Laiast korterite valikust leiab endale meelepärase igaüks – nii oma esimest päris kodu otsivad noored kui ka kasvanud ruumivajadusega pered. Avarad nutika ruumikasutusega ja energiatõhusad kodud tekitavad elevust nii väiksemates kui suuremates koduotsijates.
Jalgu saab sirutada ka Rehelepa kogukonna põnevalt liigendatud rohealadel, kust leiab nii päikselisemaid kui varjulisemaid paiku sõpradega grillimiseks ja lõõgastumiseks.

Kokku on Rehelepa elurajoonis sisustatud ca 2 hektari jagu õuealasid: siit leiad jõujaamad, erinevad puhkealad ja mänguväljakud.
Rehelepa kodud on pärjatud A-energiaklassiga ja saavad olema ehitatud kasutades kvaliteetseid ehitusmaterjale ja nutikaid tehnosüsteeme. Põhjamaiselt maitseka ja naturaalse siseviimistlusega korterid ootavad oma perekonda, kes tühjad ruumid kodusoojusega ja rõõmsate hõigetega täidaks.

Iga korteri juurde kuulub rõdu või terrass, kus hommikukohvi nautida ja esimeste kevadiste päikesekiirte sillerdades kodukontorit teha. Terrasse eraldavad taimekastid ning iga hoonekompleksi vahel on üldkasutatav terrass, kus koos naabritega aega veeta. Suur osa parkimiskohtadest on viidud maa alla, et lisada õuealale avarust ja teha elanike elu mugavamaks.

Elurajooni sees on loodud jalakäija- ja ratturisõbralikud liiklemistingimused, päikesepaneelid majade katusel toodavad mühinal roheenergiat ja olemas on ka maa-alused elektriautode laadimisvalmidusega parkimiskohad.

Hinnas sisaldub:
- korteri ja elamu lõplik valmidus vastavalt projektdokumentatsioonile ja siseviimistluspaketile;
- tasu tehnovõrkude rajamise ja liitumise eest (vesi, elekter, kanalisatsioon, küte);
- andmeside, kaabeltelevisiooni, telefoniside ja valveside valmidus.

Hinnas ei sisaldu (tasub ostja):
- andmeside, kaabeltelevisiooni, telefoniside ja valveside teenuste liitumistasud;
- müügilepinguga seotud notaritasud ja riigilõivud;
- siseviimistluse Premium-pakett (soovi korral);
- panipaik (ostmine kohustuslik);
- parkimiskoht (ostmine kohustuslik).

Müügihinnale lisandub panipaiga ja parkimiskoha maksumus:

Panipaik: 3500-5000€ sõltuvalt suurusest
Maapealne parkimiskoht: 5000-6000€
Maa-alune parkimiskoht: 9000€
Elektriauto laadimispunkti valmidusega parkimiskoht: 12 000€

Broneeri uus kodu Rehelepas juba täna!

*kuulutuses kasutatud pildid on illustratiivsed ja võivad erineda lõplikult väljakujunevast elukeskkonnast

SPECIAL OFFER: fixed furniture worth up to 20,000 euros included in the price. The offer is valid if you sign a reservation contract before Midsummer.

In the Rehelepa residential area, those who appreciate the proximity to nature and the opportunity to send their children to play in their home neighborhood will find an ideal home. The location in the embrace of the forest, a little away from the main roads, means that strangers have no business here.

Everyone can find something they like from the wide selection of apartments - both young people looking for their first real home and families with growing room needs. Spacious homes with smart use of space and energy-efficient homes excite both small and large home seekers.
You can also stretch your legs in the excitingly articulated green areas of the Rehelepa community, where you can find both sunnier and shadier spots for grilling and relaxing with friends.

In total, about 2 hectares of outdoor areas are furnished in the Rehelepa residential area: here you will find power stations, various recreation areas and playgrounds.
Rehelepa homes are awarded with A-energy class and will be built using high-quality building materials and smart technical systems. The apartments with Nordic tasteful and natural interior decoration are waiting for their family, who would fill the empty rooms with home warmth and happy moments.

Each apartment has a balcony or terrace where you can enjoy your morning coffee and do your home office under the iridescent rays of the first spring sun. The terraces are separated by plant boxes, and between each building complex there is a public terrace where you can spend time with your neighbors. A large part of the parking spaces has been moved underground to add more space to the outdoor area and make life more comfortable for the residents.

Pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly traffic conditions have been created inside the residential area, solar panels on the roofs of the houses produce green energy, and there are also underground parking spaces ready to charge electric cars.

The price includes:
- final completion of the apartment and residential building according to the project documentation and the interior finishing package;
- fee for the establishment and connection of utility networks (water, electricity, sewerage, heating);
- readiness for data communication, cable television, telephone communication and surveillance communication.

The price does not include (payable by the buyer):
- connection fees for data communication, cable television, telephone communication and surveillance services;
- notary fees and state fees related to the sales contract;
- Interior Premium Package (if desired);
- storage space (purchase mandatory);
- parking space (purchase is mandatory).

The cost of the storage space and parking space is added to the sales price:

Storage: 3500-5000€ depending on the size
Ground parking space: 5000-6000€
Underground parking space: €9,000
Parking space with electric car charging station ready: €12,000

Book your new home in Rehelepa today!

*the images used in the ad are illustrative and may differ from the final living environment

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Rehelepa elurajoon

Rehelepa põik 2//4
View project
210 800 € 3 165 €/m²
Apartment for sale
Apartment for sale www.kv.ee/en/3631424
Rooms 3
Bedrooms 2
total area 66.6 m²
Floor/Number of floors 2/4
Built in year 2024
Condition Development
ownership form apartment ownership
Cadastre no. 78401:101:1949
Energy mark A
Data from realestate book
Notify about incorrect advertisement
Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
Object's history and statistics
Contacted by e-mail
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%