plot for sale, residential land - Suve tn 7, Keila, Harjumaa


Plot area 1343, detail plan exists

Neighbourhood: near forest, in the city location, roads in good condition roads, neighbours around neighbours

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Müüki on tulnud Jõepargi uusarenduse üks suuremaid ja parima asukohaga kinnistuid.
Elamumaa asub hinnatud uusarenduse keskel, mis tagab turvalise elukeskkonna. Tegemist on suurema kinnistuga, mis loob võimaluse privaatse ning päikeselise kodu kujundamiseks.

Juurdepääs kinnistule toimub avalikus kasutuses oleva Suve tänava kaudu, mis on asfalteeritud ja valgustatud.
Ümbruskonnas asuvad uued ja moodsad eramud. Kohe naabruses asub kohalike elanike seas kõrgelt hinnatud Keila mõisa park. Pargis asuvad Keila mõisa peahoone ja Keila linnuse varemed. Jõepark paikneb Keila jõe kaldal, kus leidub mitmeid korrastatud ujumiskohti.

Kinnistul on elektriliitumine 3 x 25A ja tsentraalse vee ning kanalisatsiooni liitumispunktid.
Suurepärane asukoht Keila linnas kodu rajamiseks.

Krundi suurus 1343 m2
100% elamumaa
Ehitusalune pind kuni 200m2
Põhihoone korruste arv 2
Lubatud kõrgus maapinnast 10 m, abihoonel kuni 5m
Katusekalle 0-45
Hoonete arv krundil 2: põhihoone ja abihoone
Parkimiskohtade arv 3
Piirdeaed kuni 1.5 m

One of the largest and best located properties in the Jõepargi new development has come up for sale.
The residential land is located in the middle of a valued new development, which ensures a safe living environment. It is a larger property that creates an opportunity to design a private and sunny home.

Access to the property is via Suve Street, which is in public use and is paved and lit.
There are new and modern private houses in the surrounding area. Keila manor park, which is highly valued by local residents, is located in the immediate vicinity. The main building of the Keila manor and the ruins of the Keila fortress are located in the park. The river park is located on the banks of the Keila river, where there are several organized swimming spots.

The property has electricity connection 3 x 25A and central water and sewage connection points.
Great location in Keila to build a home.

Plot size 1343 m2
100% residential land
Area under construction up to 200m2
Number of floors of the main building 2
Permissible height above the ground is 10 m, in the auxiliary building up to 5 m
Roof slope 0-45
Number of buildings on plot 2: main building and auxiliary building
Number of parking spaces 3
Fence up to 1.5 m

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128 000 € 95.3 €/m²
Land plot for sale
Land plot for sale
Ground area 1343 m²
Cadastre no. 29601:001:0479
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%