plot for sale, residential land - Riguldi/Rickul, Lääne-Nigula vald, Läänemaa

Merevaatega ehitusõigusega kinnistu Läänemaal

Plot area 17508

Additional information: water, electricity
Neighbourhood: near forest, Läänemeri , Hara laht sea 180 m, neighbours farther neighbours, roads in good condition roads, distance from Tallinn 126.0 km

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Müüa unikaalne merevaatega ja ehitusõigusega 1,7 ha elamumaa krunt.

Kinnistu on võsast puhastatud, kuid alles on jäetud kenad kased. Krundile on lubatud ehitada kolm hoonet üldplaneeringu alusel ja detailplaneering ei ole seega vajalik. Hoonete asukoht krundile on mõistlik planeerida maantee poolt vaadates krundi tagumisse otsa, mis on kõrgem ning ei asu elektri õhuliini piiranguvööndis.

Krundile ligipääsuks on planeeritud ristumiskoht krundi loodepiiril ja sõlmitud on leping Maanteametiga näidislahenduse baasil (st et projekteerida pole rohkem midagi vaja). Tingimuseks on, et sama mahasõitu peab saama kasutada ka kõrvalkinnistu. Aga seda odavam on ka mahasõitu rajada kui see teha kahasse. Kinnistu sees rajab igaüks tee oma majani ise.

Elektri liitumise leping (16 A) on Imatra Elektriga sõlmitud tähtajaga 08.05.2025. Hetkel käivad projekteerimistööd ning liitumiskilp tuleb kinnistu kagunurka kolme kinnistu liitumispunkti (Päikese, Haava, Saturni). Maakaabli tarvis, mis jookseb mööda kinnistu piiri on seatud isikliku kasutusõiguse leping Elektrilevi kasuks. Kaabel asub kinnistu tagumisel piiril, mis ei sega kuidagi krundil tehtavaid võimalikke ehitiste ega tee rajamist (vt joonis).

Vesi tuleb lahendada puurkaevuga (võimalik mitme naabriga koostöös) ning kanalisatsioon biopuhasti ja imbväljakuga või septikuga.

Maantee servas jookseb lairiba valguskaabel.

Mere pool maanteed asub pool-looduslik hooldatav (karjatatav) kaitsealune maa, kuhu ehitada ei tohi, mis tähendab, et rikkumata merevaade on tagatud.

Lähim sadam on Hara sadam, kus on võimalik hoida oma paati või lasta seda vette kalastamiseks.

Lähim toidupoed asuvad Linnamäel ja Dirhamis.

Unique 1.7 ha residential plot with sea view and building rights for sale.

The property has been cleared of brush, but the nice birch trees remain. Three buildings are allowed to be built on the plot based on the general plan, and detailed planning is therefore not necessary. It is reasonable to plan the location of the buildings on the plot at the back end of the plot when viewed from the road, which is higher and is not located in the restriction zone of the overhead power line.

To access the plot, an intersection has been planned on the northwest border of the plot, and a contract has been signed with the County Council on the basis of a sample solution (i.e., nothing more needs to be designed). The condition is that the adjacent property must also be able to use the same exit. But it is also cheaper to build a downhill than to build it together. Inside the property, everyone makes their own way to their house.

The electricity connection agreement (16 A) has been concluded with Imatra Elektri with a term of 08.05.2025. At the moment, design works are underway, and the connection board will be placed in the southeast corner of the property at the connection points of the three properties (Päikese, Haava, Saturni). For the underground cable, which runs along the border of the property, a personal right of use agreement has been established in favor of Elektrilevi. The cable is located on the rear border of the property, which does not in any way interfere with the construction of possible buildings or roads on the plot (see drawing).

Water must be solved with a borehole (possible in cooperation with several neighbors) and sewage with a bio-purifier and seepage field or septic tank.

A broadband light cable runs along the side of the road.

On the sea side of the highway, there is a semi-natural protected (grazed) land, where no construction is allowed, which means that an unspoiled sea view is guaranteed.

The nearest port is Hara port, where you can keep your boat or launch it for fishing.

The nearest grocery stores are located in Linnamäe and Dirham.

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Herki Tuus
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Contact the seller
Herki Tuus
Herki Tuus User is verified
57 000 € 3.26 €/m²
Land plot for sale
Land plot for sale
Ground area 17508 m²
Cadastre no. 52001:001:0367
Part of register number 1872132
Data from realestate book
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Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
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Loan period: 20 y
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