apartment for sale, 2 rooms - Siili tn 2, Karlova, Tartu linn, Tartu, Tartumaa


Apartment ownership

Kitchen: induction stove, open kitchen
Sanitary arrangements: shower, washing machine
Heating and ventilation: heated floors, central heating
Additional information: balcony 4.7 m², parking free parking, box-room, separate rooms, furniture, packet windows, parquet, lift
Communications and security: steel door, frontdoor locked
Neighbourhood: water body Emajõgi 100 m, surrounding buildings apartment buildings, location in the center location, roads in good condition roads

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Korter müüakse koos sisustusega.
Soovi korral anname korteri üle ostu-müügitehingu päeval.
Ja seda korterit on mugav osta ka investeeringuks.
Olemas korda ja puhtust armastav üürnik, kellega võib soovi korral üürisuhet jätkata.

Pakutav korter on avatud köögi, ühe magamistoa ja avara vannitoaga ning kõigi kaasaegsete mugavustega. Korteri juurde kuulub päikesepoolne rõdu, kuhu pääseb elutoast.
Lisaväärtust annab eraldi panipaik korteriga samal korrusel.

Kulud on mõistlikud, küte, elekter, vesi on mõõdetavad. Majas on tegus korteriühistu.
Kui on huvi, palun helistage - tutvustan lähemalt.

The apartment is sold furnished.
If desired, we will hand over the apartment on the day of the purchase-sale transaction.
And this apartment is also convenient to buy as an investment.
There is a tenant who loves order and cleanliness, with whom the tenancy can be continued if desired.

The offered apartment has an open kitchen, one bedroom and a spacious bathroom with all modern amenities. The apartment has a balcony on the sunny side, which can be accessed from the living room.
Additional value is provided by a separate storage room on the same floor as the apartment.

Costs are reasonable, heating, electricity, water are measurable. There is a busy apartment association in the house.
If you are interested, please call - I will introduce you in more detail.

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Contact the seller
163 000 € 3 147 €/m²
Apartment for sale
Apartment for sale www.kv.ee/en/3636420
Rooms 2
total area 51.8 m²
Floor/Number of floors 1/7
Built in year 2020
Condition Good condition
ownership form apartment ownership
Cadastre no. 79508:080:0008
Energy mark B
Data from realestate book
Notify about incorrect advertisement
Object inside info 14.99€ / 24
Object's history and statistics
Contacted by e-mail
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Example loan payment

Loan period: 20 y
Self-financing: 30%
Interest from: 3,5%